Friday, 10 December 2010

GVA per head - the bottom five UK

The following charts looks at the bottom five as of 2009 (Data from ONS - NUTS3.2 Headline GVA per head at current basic prices), looking at the years 2000 to 2008. The first chart shows the change in the GVA per head over the years, and the second chart shows GVA per head for 2008 minus GVA per head for 2000, showing which region in the bottom five the GVA has grown the most. I would add my usual disclaimer about comparing regions, but it does reveal some interesting results.

Ynys Mon is welsh for Anglesey


Prometheuswrites said...

It good to see that we (Ynys Mon) are catching up.

The question for me is how?
With the closure of AA and other major employers on the island where is this added GVA coming from?

There must some growth in the SME's sector and maybe something we should be recognising and trumpeting, (when we know where it's happening).

Rhys Williams said...

I would add, the figures are up to 2008 and do not include 2009 when the majority closure of the smelter plant happened. (2009 figures are yet to be published for NUTS3.2).

The charts either show Anglesey is doing relatively well to the other 4 (of the bottom 5) or that ‘they’ are doing relatively poor in comparison to Anglesey, if you follow my logic.

Prometheuswrites said...

"The charts either show Anglesey is doing relatively well to the other 4 (of the bottom 5) or that ‘they’ are doing relatively poor in comparison to Anglesey"

Indeed I considered that, however it seems to me that the GVA rating for all of the regions has increased, though I wasn't sure whether inflation was accounted for in the figures.

PrometheusW said...

And as you say the figues go to 2008 so what the effect for the last two years remains to be seen.

Prometheuswrites said...

"Local focus of new Welsh food strategy"

Maybe this can be capitalised on to increase our GVA;

Though the FUW aren't too happy.

Anonymous said...

Can you post a link to the raw data?

Rhys Williams said...

If you click on ONS in the post (in blue) you will find the pdf with the raw data, or otherwise see: