Friday, 1 April 2011

Welsh stalwart Brynle Williams dies

I was sad to hear that Brynle Williams, farmer and politician had lost his long battle against illness. Wales will be a poorer place without him.

Full story: BBC News
See also: Betsan's blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I connsider myself fortunate to have been in touch with Mr Williams, my rhetoric was very strong and he was laughing at me.
"Why are you so angry?" he asked me, interrupting a torrent of complaints I was reciting to him.
" No-one listens" was my reply. " Write it down, and let me see what I can do" was the last thing he said to me. I wonder if he knew he was admired and respected by as many as he thought, he was a good friend and ally, he's probably moaning to Eddie Stobard about fuel prices now, bless him. I like him, a lot.