Saturday, 9 April 2011

No trust in Police Commissioners say Public

A police commissioner

A YouGov poll on behalf of Liberty found that only 15% trust elected police and crime commissioners, more than the present system to protect their family.

Whereas, YouGov found 65% of the public prefer a chief constable reporting to a police authority. The remaining fifth were unsure.

Read More:
Public turn against elected police commissioners -
Liberty Press Release - Lack of public trust in elected police commissioners


Photon said...

The poll probably simply reflects the fact that respondents didn't really understand the difference between the present and proposed systems.

There are a lot of powerful interests trying to prevent commissioners from becoming a reality. The NWPA has been one of them, distorting figures for an official report that were anyway not real statistics to achieve their aims. The SWPA simply didn't bother replying to protests about the way their 'survey' was conducted.

Anonymous said...

"The poll probably simply reflects the fact that respondents didn't really understand the difference between the present and proposed systems."

Ah, the old 'the thick proles don't understand' remarks. Obviously a Labour man this Proton.