Monday, 9 May 2011

Japan Disaster – A nurse’s blog.

A report by Justin McCurry in 'The Guardian Online' headlined - 'Do not cry': a nurse's blog brings comfort to Japan's tsunami survivors says in brief:

Few aid workers could have imagined the scenes that awaited them as they set out for north-east Japan in the immediate aftermath of the tsunami in March….

…One of them, a nurse who was part of an emergency medical team dispatched from Tokyo, has written about her experiences in a blog that offers one of the most detailed accounts yet of the tsunami's toll on the tens of thousands who survived….

…The blog opens with the nurse preparing for her imminent assignment to Rikuzentakata, a town in Iwate prefecture where 2,000 of the 23,000 residents died and 80% of its 8,000 homes were destroyed….

…Before they leave, she and her fellow medical workers are told what they can expect to find, and warned to keep their emotions in check. The team leader tells them:

"The situation over there is beyond your worst imagination. If any of you have signed up with optimistic outlooks or [out of] a spirit of volunteerism, please leave the team now.

No matter what happens at the site, DO NOT CRY. We are not going there to express our sympathy. We are going there to provide nursing and medical care. If you think YOU want to cry, think about how much the people there want to cry. The tears of a rich medical team from Tokyo will only be bothersome or even insulting to them."

Above are extracts from:
'Do not cry': a nurse's blog brings comfort to Japan's tsunami survivors by Justin McCurry,'The Guardian'

Read english translation of the nurse's blog:
JKTS: A Japanese medical aid worker's diary -

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